很加兰的片子工整的摄影和随时会出现的离奇置景100分钟全方位无死角展示办公室的交易免费观看视频中文是多么不堪且恶心的一种生物这一点不得不说导演很聪明把此命题拍成了男性爱看的恐怖片强迫男性反思一波女性题材类作品发展了几十年如今看到西方二元论的再次崛起个人还是有一丝不安的还是希望此类片子能创造对话的条件而不是对立的情绪最后:All men on earth, get your shit together, all right?
this is stupid. it throw the never-read-terms&conditions and the invasion of privacy problem in your face without any metaphor or metonymy, yet the script is so strange and palaverous that the actors seem ad libbing all the time and i dont think Salma Hayek should allow herself performing shitting in this shit show.